In which I tell you about one of my heroes. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat’s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.
Category: Podcast Episodes

ABC #13: Shouting From The Rooftops (with Ben Wideman)
In which Mennonite campus pastor Ben Wideman and I talk about finding and sharing a vision of a better world. Learn more about Ben’s 3rd Way Collective at Follow them on Instagram and Twitter at @3rdwayco. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat’s Patreon page and…

ABC #12: Religion And The Left (with Ben Wideman)
In which Mennonite campus pastor Ben Wideman and I investigate the place for religion in leftist activism. Learn more about Ben’s 3rd Way Collective at Follow them on Instagram and Twitter at @3rdwayco. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat’s Patreon page and become a supporting…

ABC #11: In The World But Not Of It (with Ben Wideman)
In which Mennonite campus pastor Ben Wideman and I talk about living authentic lives despite the circumstances of the world around us. Learn more about Ben’s 3rd Way Collective at Follow them on Instagram and Twitter at @3rdwayco. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat’s Patreon…

ABC #10: Tarot (Continued)
In which I talk about why I find tarot so useful as a way of looking at things with fresh eyes. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat’s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.

ABC #9: Part-Time Jobs & Tarot Cards
In which I get a part-time job and also discover a new way of looking at the world. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat’s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.

ABC #8: Balagoon, Bourdain & Boo
In which I review three books I read recently. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat’s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.

ABC #7: Law & Order
In which I am on trial for the first time. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat’s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.

ABC #6: I’m Changing The Show A Bit
In which I thank the early adopters and talk about expanding the show’s scope. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat’s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.

ABC #5: A Note About Therapy
In which I tell you why I don’t want my round peg bashed into a square hole. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat’s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.

ABC #4: “We All Have To Do Things We Don’t Want To Do”
In which I discuss some cliches and tropes around work. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat’s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.

ABC #3: Charting A New Course
In which I try to make a go of it as a creative person with some gig economy work thrown in. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat’s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.