In which I read and talk about a selection of my recent writing. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.

ABC #83: Star Wars! (with Owen Crane)
In which Owen and I talk about Star Wars. That’s it. No heavy stuff. No spoilers, either. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.

ABC #82: Japanese Food As Self-Awareness (with Owen Crane)
In which Owen and I talk about how our current week of Japanese meals is helping Owen remember who they are. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.

ABC #81: Cats And Dogs Living Together
In which some choral music about a cat and a Buddhist story about a dog gets me thinking about the interconnectedness of all things. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.

ABC #80: Ideological Purity Sucks
In which I talk about how life ain’t all one way or the other. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.

ABC #79: Oh No! I Voted!
In which I respond to a Twitter bozo who told me I couldn’t be an anarchist because I voted on Tuesday. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.

ABC #78: You’re Gonna Die
In which I discuss your impending demise and what you might want to do as a result. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.

ABC #77: The End Is Nigh!
In which I talk about what the future is probably going to be like here on Earth. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.

ABC #76: Predicting The Future Is Hard
In which my son turning 17 causes me to reflect on how wrong I was about the course I thought my life would take 17 years ago. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.

ABC #75: First Friday Poetry with Jessica Smith
In which Jessica Smith reads from her new book How To Know The Flowers, available now from Veliz Books. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.

ABC #74: I Think I’m Bad At Meditating
In which I talk about how different my experience of meditation has been from the way it’s described in books and such. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.

ABC #73: An Update On My Health And Whatnot
In which I talk about the positive changes I’ve made over the past two weeks. — This show is only possible because of people like you. Visit A Brief Chat‘s Patreon page and become a supporting member today. Thank you.